Who are we when we’re not at the front of the room?

  • Give it.

    Mare: “This is Imari, The Seeing Eye puppy we raised. The Seeing Eye is the world’s first service dog organization, founded in 1929. The Seeing Eye's mission is to enhance the independence, dignity and self-confidence of people who are blind, through the use of specially trained Seeing Eye® dogs. What an extraordinary experience.”

  • Play it.

    Dominick: “For my 47th birthday, I decided to finally do something I had always wanted to do but didn’t because “I wasn’t musical”. I bought myself a drum kit and began to learn to play. I love to get lost in the methodical beating of the drums. It’s almost meditative and definitely cathartic. I am a very heart-centered person, so as the heartbeat of the music drums are a perfect instrument for me.”

  • Dream it.

    Mare: “Writing this was my dream.”

    The Art of Dreaming Small follows the true coaching journey of two clients and myself, mixing coaching and business innovation methods that result in purpose-driven and fulfilling bucket-list worthy experiences. Ultimately, The Art of Dreaming Small creates a fun, easy, and practical guide to making every day count.” Available on Amazon.

  • Celebrate it.

    Mare: “All of us together, when it happens it’s so much fun— laughs, great conversation, a lot of love, and it goes way too fast. They are all spread out: Davis, California, Ellicott City, Maryland, Seattle, Washington, and Philadelphia, PA so when we can get all of us together it’s really special.”

  • Paint it.

    Mare: “It all begins with light.”

    “The idea is that we can see sensual shapes and magical color in trees, in water, and rocks without needing a vista to experience awe. Most of us live in places where nature is dwindling or forced into small patches and shaped by humans. But if we look closely in the changing light, its inherent beauty—sensuality—is divine and always accessible.”

  • Live it.

    Dominick: “Coming from Italian and Irish heritage, family is always the most important thing, and what brings me the most joy and aliveness in my life. I love my family very much!”

  • Heal it.

    Dominick: “In 2019, after surfacing out of nowhere with no prior history of heart problems, I received a pacemaker to resolve an electrical conduction problem that prevented my heart from beating properly. Having been a healthy athlete my entire life, and more recently an avid cyclist, this was a huge challenge on many levels. I chose to be positive, resilient, calm and grateful and fully "being" those things got me through with flying colors. My pacemaker now allows me to experience life fully with all of my heart (quite literally) and that is a gift beyond measure.”

  • Savor it.

    Dominick: “I love to cook and I love to eat even more. This is my “famous” pasta sauce, a simple healthy recipe combining my own creative ideas with traditions from my father and Italian grandmother. Cooking honors my values of health, joy, love, and being in service of others.”

  • Tattoo it.

    Dominick: “My phoenix tattoo, nicknamed “Bennu” for the ancient Egyptian deity linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth, is a big part of who I am. To me it also means creativity, perseverance, strength, passion, renewal, and love.”

  • Own it.

    Dominick: “A peak experience of mine was when I successfully ran my first Tough Mudder in 2014. I was lean and mean and dirty and bleeding and kicked that 11-mile, 25-obstacle course’s ass as a two-man team with my brother! It was an incredible experience on so many levels! Why? It was in perfect alignment with all of my core values....teamwork, camaraderie, helping others, love, family, nature, health, physical and mental challenges, passion, fun, adventure, and just playing in the dirt!

  • Say it.

    Mare: “Creating this dramatic production of workers being displaced in a merger was an extraordinary experience of collaboration with my other producing partner, a script writer, actors, and our brilliant production partner. The New ROI premiered at The National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia to an audience of C-suite executives, financial, and human resource professionals to show what happens on the front lines of a company when you ‘move a margin’.”

  • Brave it.

    Mare: “This is me in Brazil with my English thoroughbred, Mr Ed. We went over, through, and around so many fences! He taught me to pay attention to my body for signs of fear, then to truly overcome it so that we could go on to win many competitions. He taught me about duality, feeling fear and joy at the same time, turning it into exhilaration. It felt like we were flying.”

See Mare’s art below